Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Diary of a Woman of Light - Blog 16 - Love Is

Dear Ones,

Bring in the present.  Bring in the present wherever you are.  Bring in the present with wherever you may be doing or knowing.  It is only when we base our assessment of a situation on the past, afraid of what the future may bring, that we get caught in the illusions of fear.  When we are being in the moment  & only in the moment is when we return to love.  That is the miracle of the present.  That is the gift we receive.  When we allow our thoughts to be present we remain in love.  When we no longer look to the past for information about the future, we remain in love.  When we remain in the now, we remain in love.  Birthing into this knowing can be a painful process.  But once it happens, once you are there, all is forgotten and you remember only of love.  When we are in the being, in the moment, you are knowing, feeling, being the Mother.  You are then the peace that you seek. It has always been there.   Hold yourself, nurture your being from within.  This is love.  You are what you have been waiting for.  When you finally see this, is when you finally know the love that you are.  When enough of us finally surrender to our love, the world finally becomes all that we have ever been trying to make it become.  When we finally know this for ourselves, love becomes our energy that allows us to shift the world just in our being.  It is not in the doing.  It is in the being that we transform the world.  Love only does nothing, it seeks nothing, it has nothing to show, it only is.  Love has no gender, it has no name, it just is.  Love does not 'do' anything.  It only is.  Love is not separate, it is not something that comes in to transform or change anyone or anything.  It only is.  Love is a vibration, a frequency that does nothing but the 'being' of what it is.  It is in the 'being' that we feel the shift within ourselves and our worlds. 

Love and you are One
Love has no thoughts
In the present you have no thoughts
Love does not live in the past
In the present there is no past
Love does not try to change you
In the present there is no need to change
Love does not transform you
In the present there is no need to transform
Love just is
Love IS
It does not seek
It does not fix
It does not take over
It does not transform
Love Just Is
Love IS
It does not do
It does not change
It does not think
It does nothing
Love Just Is
Love IS
Love is nothing
Love is everything
Love IS
Love Just IS
'IT' Is
'IT' Is
'IT' Is
You Are
You Are
You Are


In Mother Love & Mother Light,


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