Sunday, December 2, 2012

Diary of a Wounded Healer - Blog 12 - Love, Darkness, & The Feminine

Dear Ones,
Love has always been there. It has always been you. There is no greater clarity then looking on another with the eyes of love. Love allows your walls to come down that have 'protected' you for so long. Love allows for you to go within and give yourself the gift of unconditional acceptance. Love branches off to all those around you and allows them to feel your uniqueness, your bounty, your connection, your sacredness. Allow love to allow you to go within and love down the walls, the veils, the illusions you have created for so long. Suffering is not needed. Only pure acceptance of what you perceive to be real.

Sit for a moment in your angst, your fears, your resentments, desires and doubts.  Allow yourself to feel the grasp they have had over you all these years.  Allow your attention to go there and to feel their calling. Do not be afraid, they will not swallow you up or drown you in terror.  These are all images implanted in your mind from when you were very small.  Know that they are your friend, they have much to teach you about the illusions of life; about your power as a creator; about how you are already everything you have ever needed to become.  It comes from within, within you...this is where the answers lie. They are a calling back to your uniqueness, allow them to have a voice and see what they have to say.  Allow them to speak. Do not hide them any longer. Once your attention finally goes to them, like a child who has had a tantrum for many years, they finally will feel heard and they will rest from the exhaustion of never being allowed to speak. Finally they will calm down, finally they will rest because you will finally be mothering them, nurturing them, loving them like you have always wanted to be loved.  Their terror is not to be ignored but to love them instead so that they no longer have to be afraid,  this is the gift of your darkness this is the gift of the power of the feminine within you. The feminine does not fight against, it takes the darkness and loves it for what it is.  The feminine loves until that darkness can finally see for itself all that has always been there. Love it, embrace it, mother it, there is nothing to fear. It's grip will fade, the tension will clear, and only peace will reside. It is only through acceptance that we finally come to our peaceful power within.
Namaste my love.

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