Saturday, December 15, 2012

Diary of a Woman of Light - Blog 15 - Our Sea of Surrender

Dear Ones,

The energies that are upon us have always been there.  They have always been within us.  It is only that now we are living in a time where the energies coming into this Earth plane are propelling us, asking us, pushing us to go deeper into ourselves.  Into our being...into that which we already are. 

There has been much talk of the end of the world.  There has been much talk about new beginnings and the miracles occurring.  And then there have been those that have just been and are just unassumingly being in the presence of this energy. 

Please know...that this energy we speak of, that many have been speaking of, that we are feeling in so many different ways is nothing but energy.  It is how we interpret the energy that makes our experience.  Energy is does not distinguish between right or wrong.   It is neither darkness or light...IT JUST IS.   We are the ones that mindfully name the awareness that it brings to us.   Anything we perceive as darkness is our perception.  Anything we perceive is light is our perception.  That which it arises within us is nothing but something that was already within us to begin with.   If it is not working for you it is your opportunity to either go deeper into the depths of its hold on you or to allow yourself to release it and be transformed.  Unfortunately, many of us believe the illusions to be so real that they see no other way but deeper into the depths of their darkened realities.  Their deeper and deeper darkening of their darkness is a calling for us to bring awareness to that darkness to which we all share and finally transform ourselves into higher and higher vibrations of light.  No, we can not control others.  Yes, we can only be ourselves.  It is through being our lightness that we give others permission to be theirs.  This is how we change; this is how we bring change into the world.

The energy is cyclical....there were times before in the history of Mother Earth where she was shifting, moving and changing rapidly as she is today.  We, in this lifetime, get to experience this shift in her now, thus experiencing and shifting within ourselves and vice versa. 

The energy is thus as a flowing river...the currents can be strong and unyielding to all that stand in its way.  The river can be so strong that it can inhibit your ability to swim against.  It can be so strong that attempting to swim to shore may be fruitless.  So, in our will to control, we attempt to swim against the current.  We grasp and reach for anything and everything that will save us.  We fear that if the current takes us that all that we have ever been taught will take our lives.  When we are in the midst of fighting for our lives we are keenly aware of our fears, our limits, and our doubts.  We anticipate the worst will happen.  We 'know' that if we can not 'do' something to save ourselves we will lose our lives.  Hence we strive to work against the current.  We fight with all our power.  We swim against the flow of the river.  We grasp onto anything we we can hold onto that feels familiar for fear that if we do not find something outside of ourselves to hold onto we will lose all control and thus loose our life.  We finally find that when we struggle for so long and attempt to swim so hard only focusing on all that we have ever known to be true we lose sight of the simple ness to it all.  We forget that the answers may have always been right there before us.  And yet we continue to struggle, we continue to fight until we can fight no more.  We bring ourselves to such exhaustion that we finally realize that our own efforts are limited and that the inevitable is beyond our control.  It is in this moment. That we finally come to our surrender.  We give up the fight.  We allow ourselves to let go.  And as we we let go...we begin to feel something other than what we thought was always to be true.  We feel that in our surrender we begin to feel again what the river was always trying to tell us...we begin to feel...and in the feeling we begin to return to a knowing that we had forgotten long ago...

The river tells us so...the river speaks...

"Follow me, she says.  Allow me to carry you.  Allow me to carry you to where you will go.  Trust in me.  Trust and know.  You may do all things through me...for I Am the strength and the desires that you seek.  We are one my child...the flow of the mighty river is yours if you follow my source and allow me to lead the way."

We hear what she is 'feeling' to us.  As we feel, our bodies begin to feel too.  Our minds relax and our hearts return to its natural state.  We begin to like the way these waters feel all around us.   We begin to breathe, we begin to flow.  Instead of sinking to the bottom like we had always been taught...we finally feel ourselves float.  We come up onto the top of the waters and return to enjoying the ride.  We continue to come upon rocks, boulders, or branches that seemingly get in our way...but amazingly as we trust, the current shifts us around these things we fear most.  And then as we continue to trust and shift we begin to realize that we are not just one river but many rivers that come from around the globe.  We are all carried into the same destination.  We are all emptied into the one sea....the sea of Unity.  Once we look back, we can 'see' that if we had never surrendered we would have never been carried to the ocean.   Once we are the peace and calm of these is here that we can finally swim. 

The energies of this time are meant to help us finally release all that was never ours in the first place.  They are neither of darkness or of light. 

When we finally surrender

We finally let go of all that we have ever known to be our truth

It is then that we begin to realize that all that we thought made us limitless

Were our own limits that kept us from knowing

How truly perfect We Already Are

In Mother Love & Mother Light,


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