Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Diary of a Wounded Healer - Blog 13 - L.O.V.E.

Dear Ones,
It is with great pleasure that I reach you yet again with these words.   For these words are more than just words...they carry energy.  Just as all that around you is made up of different types of vibrations and frequencies, so are these words that you read.  They are meant to carry the highest frequencies of love, gratitude, and reverence for all that you are and all that you have already become.  These words carry deep gratitude beyond what anything can express.  It is a feeling that surrounds you of grace and wonderment in knowing that all is as exactly as it should be.
The time is now, dear one, to allow LOVE to flow through your body like never before.  It is time to allow lightness to abound within you.  You are limitless.  This is beyond concept beyond ideas. The mind cannot understand fully what you are but you can feel it.  This has extreme importance in what it means for Mother Earth for you to step up and just be you.  Be all that you are.  Mother Earth needs you to be all that you already are.  She needs you to trust in your divinity and allow yourself to evolve into what you have always been, pure limitless LOVE...
V...Vibrantly alive with
In essence this means you have the capacity to change your world just by the thoughts that you think, the words that you speak, and the actions you take.  There are limitless possibilities for your life.  There are limitless possibilities for everything that you do.  They all line up with your soul's purpose and your spirit's desire to know its oneness with creator...with the highest vibration of reverent love.  The ease and vigor that your path depends on your alignment with source.   When you are out of alignment, out of balance, things may seemingly take longer, be harder, feel sticky or stuck, seem to drag on.  These are your cues, these are the signs of your spirit edging you on to go deeper within.  This is your calling to return to your center, to return to your source, to connect, to trust, to have faith in your divinity and oneness.  The path can be straight, direct, charged, peaceful, light filled and joyful...even in the times of doubt.  Or it can be windy, stretched, go over and under mountains, hills, valleys...it all depends on your courage to change your life and stretch yourself into new thoughts, new feelings, new pattern to lighten your way.  Never doubt your connection to source....it is always there in All Ways.   Never doubt your ability to overcome any situation you may be facing....the answers are always there in All Ways.   All you have to do is ask for help, confide in source with confidence.  
This is the key that opens the doors to your life and sets you onto the path of direction.  Have confidence and faith....ask, confide, expect, and let go.   Center yourself in source in your being, in your wholeness...in your oneness.  When you do your heart begins to hear the messages that have always been there in All Ways.   The answers will all ways come.   The answers will all ways come.  The answers will all ways come.   You must simply be aware and open to receive, to hear, to sense, and to know that they exist.
This is the time to continue to go deeper. To listen. To communicate.  The connection you have can only become clearer and stronger.
You are blessed with knowing.
You are blessed with fortitude.
You are blessed with peace.
Grace has no end.
You would never be left alone.
You are always surrounded with LOVE in all ways, all ways.
The keys....Confide with Confidence...Hold Gratitude in your Heart...
Thank You
Thank You
Thank You


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