Thursday, December 6, 2012

Diary of a Wounded Healer - Blog 14 - Mother Love

Dear Ones,

I come to you with great pleasure and sincere gratitude.  Everything is shifting rapidly and going forward with peaceful healing.  Mother Earth comes to you today with a request for self knowing self healing and self being.  She is calling your attention to the Mother within.  She is longing for you to return  to your true essence as a Motherly Being.  Whether you are male or female, it makes no difference.  The feminine is within ALL OF US.  She has been sleeping for a very long time.  Even in the age when women fought for their rights...this was not true feminine power.  It was feminism tainted with fear.   The age of femininity that the Mother is calling us back to remember is the age of Peaceful Power.   In this peaceful power there is nurturing.  There is a knowing that you are all that is and all that is ever needed.  Many of us lack the peace that we are seeking because we lack the nurturing from within.  We are longing for attention, we are longing for connection, we are longing for oneness with another.  But this longing comes from a deep void that has remained empty for a very long time.  We may not notice these longings until we have developed other manifestations of problems in our life; whether it is an addiction, craving, relentless fear, unsatisfying relationship...they stem from the void that you have had for a very long time.   You may be seeking food, people, things, substances to satisfy your cravings....but one can not satisfy an emptiness inside without first attending to the wounds.  Your body is a miraculous being of light that has the power to heal when we attend to our needs.  These needs come from the emotions within that are trying to get your attention.  They are pulling at your sleeve asking you to finally hear what they have to say.   Only you know what they are saying, only you understand what they mean.  You will never receive what you are seeking from the outside.  It can only come from listening to the deepness from within.  This deep void is no one's fault...there is no one to is a calling back to your spirit.  It is through the experience of this darkness, this void, that we remember our light.  Darkness is nothing to fear.  It is a gift to help you remember.  Without the fear we would not know which path to choose.  Through the fear we can choose to walk in our light. 

Mother Earth craves the nourishment and connection that you crave for yourself.  You are one in your yearnings and desires.  What you feel within you is what she is feeling within her.  In healing your wounds and attending to your seeds of darkness,  you heal her and allow the bounty of light to grow.

Be with yourself, breath into your being, ask for guidance, and Waite for the answers to come.  Love yourself with deep affection.  Bring compassion into your bodies through your thoughts and feelings.  Love your self as you would love a newborn infant.  When they cry, we connect and help to coddle their fears.  Do the same for you.  When you cry allow yourself to feel what is truly going on from within.  Connect with the different cries that are within you and begin to understand what each one means and what each one is truly seeking.  Sometimes it may be a compassionate swaddle of affection, sometimes it may be a nurturing substance of light filled foods or drink, sometimes it may be a need to go deeper within to find the roots of the cause of your discontent.  Whatever it is, it is the opportunity to feel and connect with your life and breathe motherly love into every space of your being.  Connect, see with the eyes of love. Be with yourself, talk softly to yourself, caress yourself, bathe yourself, massage yourself, feed yourself light, stretch yourself, move yourself gently and passionately, trust from within.  She is your guide. 

In the com(passion) for self we return to a depth full of all that we have ever been seeking.  We return to the nurturing guidance of a Mother's love.  It is through the Mother that we become love.

Mother Love, Mother Peace, Mother Light

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