Friday, December 14, 2012

Diary of a Woman of Light - Blog 14 - Your Transformation

Dear Ones,
The shifts taking place in many of us are strong and clear.  We are waking up to the new reality.  Those things that are no longer needed in this new reality are quickly being brought to the forefront in our lives and compassionately being asked to 'let go'.  All the fear, anxiety, impatience, loneliness, and dis ease that has ruled our lives for such a long time is melting away as the illusions they always were.   During a recent meditation experience I was asked, "Why would we (Source) ever have you come into this Earth plane without limitless support and love from the unseen?"  I ask you...."Why do you continue to believe that you are not supported by all of creation to become everything your Spirit has ever wanted you to be and experience?"   I encourage you to contemplate this question deeply within the center of your heart.   Go to the heart space and feel what the Mother within is truly trying to 'feel' you.  I encourage you to take many moments throughout your days to be with her and listen to her words of wisdom.   They are never anything but words of wise compassionate love.  Anything else is just al illusion of the 3rd dimensional Earth plane that was never meant to be a reality but only a part of the duality that we have experienced up until now.

Re Member that it is through this dual experience that we finally re Member, re Unite who and what we have Al Ways been in All Ways; LIGHT SOURCE.  These feeling of angst, anger,resentment...whatever they may be that linger within your body....felt as pain & dis ease are just re minders... That's all they are a re turn to the re minders of the mind....they are not what you are.  Even if they feel real, we must question what is truly the real ality of it all.  The pain that brings us back to our mind full of sorrows and loss or are they there to transcend us from our limitations with think we have within our minds.   If we are living through the heart she has another way for us, another path full of compassionate nurturing love that believes that you are nothing but light and that everything is possible through love.  When we re Member, re Unite with The Source of our being we re Unite with the consciousness that is ever so present NOW.   Yes, these dates that have been spoken about for so long are significant.  Yes, they bring change and transformation.  This change and transformation is nothing other than how a caterpillar becomes a butterfly. 

We go within, we don't know why but we just know that we need to go within....there is a calling, a feeling deep within us that knows that the old ways no longer work for us and that if we continue to follow that path we continue in we go within....we create our cocoons to feel all that we are and experience our uniqueness our oneness with self.  We don't know why...There is just a sense...a need to do this...because the other ways of crawling on the ground no longer feel right anymore.  But we needed these earthly experiences in order to know that there is another way.  We don't really know what that is yet but we know that change is what we need to do.  We don't even know exactly how that change is going to happen but we trust and have faith that it will be done for us.   So we trust and have faith while we are in our cocoons that all is happening exactly as it should because it is in divine order.  Through this change we begin to transform.  It is difficult to see what is going on at times because sometimes we can't see the light.  Sometimes the darkness within our cocoons is so dark that we feel stifled and paralyzed.  But we continue to trust because we know that this is where we need to be, for some reason, because we follow our intuition of going within.  Eventually, we have experienced enough of the darkness that we begin to feel different.  We shift, turn, and change and begin to move in different ways.  These ways may still seem restricted and limited but we move anyway, knowing that as we move differently we begin to feel different.  As we shift and move we begin to see little cracks of light coming through into our cocoons.   We like the way this light makes us feel so we continue to shift and move ever so more, ever so even more knowing that as we move in these knew sometimes awkward feeling ways that something is going right for us because it is letting more light come in to our shells that we have created.   Until suddenly, one day, in the midst of our transforming a peace of our cocoon breaks off and the light comes pouring in!  'Oh my', we feel to ourselves...this is LOVE  ly.  So we transform even more as we move and continue to break out of our shells to allow the light to pour over our bodies.   And then we notice...before our being ness...we feel different, we feel lighter, we feel freer.  We begin to integrate this newness into our everyday being as we sit and contemplate all that has just happened and wait as we dry off. We feel what it is finally like to be without the cocoon we have had on us for so long.  And when we have finally soaked up enough of the light that has transformed our bodies...We feel ready.  We feel that there is no turning back to that which we once were....and it is then that we begin to FLY.  

In this time of transformation into our brilliance...know that this is exactly what is happening.  Do not fear change...welcome it in with Love and Peace....

This time of Transformation is purely about PEACE...

P atient

E nlightenment

A bundant in

C ompassion &

E cstasy

It is time to move into your is time to fly.

Mother Love & Mother Light,


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