I send you light, pure light...uninhibited light...burning
bright, to open your heart and the feel its perfection that already exists. It
Know your course of greatness.
I send you love, pure love, pure uninhibited love pouring
down from the heavens over the cells of your body....filling each nucleus with
patterns of love, pure love.
It is in your love for self, when you transform the world,
your world.
With each step you take upon your journey, I encourage you
to bring in more of what you embrace all of you. Embrace your
lightness and your darkness.
I encourage you to make fear your friend. Within
your fears...all of them...there is a conquest in becoming...these fears are
just lessons...they are just practice....and with each practice you become
better and better at taming the gorilla that lives within you. Love the
gorilla, learn to hear its call, and intuitively tune into her
messages. Sometimes she is loving and sometimes she is
fearful. There is no right or wrong...there just is. Learn to speak her
language and allow her to rest into the arms of your loving soul, spirit.
Remember that practice brings you closer to your brightness, awareness brings
you closer to your truth, embracing your fears brings you closer to making her
your friend. When you are friends you can be there for each other....hold
each other...and calm her doubts...and help her see that you know that she is
all that you have ever wanted her to be, are all
ready. Ready to transform and be your divine light. Take hold and
know that this is your truth.
With this I pray...
Love wipes away all doubts, all wipes and clears
away all the illusions of pain and suffering. It speaks to us, and tells us
that there is no cross to bear, the cross is/was meant to transcend our
harboring into that of elation and love for self. Speak with these not be afraid of your greatness. It is not that we are ever
afraid of is not our fears of failure that hold us back from
is our fear of how bright we can become! We have the potential...we have
the seeds of greatness...if you just believe that you will grow....then tend to
your garden. Imagine the possibilities, it is not that anything could
ever go has never been about is the fear for the potential
for everything to go right!
Then what would your ego mind do? What would she have
to do with her life? If she no longer has to be in misery, doubt, or
fear...there would be nothing left for her to do but fly! FLY my friend,
fly my sister, fly my friend!!! Spread your wings, trust, and fly! How
high would you go?
How high would you go if you had nothing left 'to do' on
your 'to do' list? If there was no more treachery, fears, or sadness....what
would you 'do' then? This is very important....this is SO
IMPORTANT!!!! Hear this now...hear the was never about the was never about the doing...ever. It is always about the
BEING that matters. The idea is TO BE! It is the great "I
AM"! It is the knowing, even when you don't know, that "I
already everything I have ever wanted to become or have ever wanted someone
else to become...they are already! IT IS IN THIS GREAT 'I AM' OF WHAT WE
ALREADY ARE that we have nothing else 'to do' and we can finally be at peace
from within. We can finally rest in the moment and know that all is finally
well. It is then that we have arrived. We still 'do' our humanly things
and get 'done' throughout our days but now our moments are far more enjoyable
than they have ever been before. There is now presence in the moments
that is full of presents. We find gifts of joy, hope, and uninhibited
living in the moments when we can 'be' present in the present. This is
when we know we have finally made fear our friend....this is when we finally
understand all of her lessons up until now...."YOU ARE ENOUGH".
You are
You are
You are
I Am
I Am
I Am
Mother light & mother love,
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