Monday, February 4, 2013

Come on...JUST DO IT...What are you waiting for?

I sit here in my kitchen....writing this blog. Why?  Because I know that there are about a million people out there who have probably walked the very same path I am walking but haven't shared it with anyone.  So, what am I doing every time I get out here in this web world?  I'm shining my light so that you shine yours!  That doesn't mean that only good happens to me, oh no...I have some pretty rough times but its how I perceive the rough edges that makes it good or bad or even that I am able to judge it at all.  You see, we all have these great aspects of ourselves where certain things are a bit easier for us than others.  These things just happen to come naturally.  You being an organized person, or being able to connect with kids, or being able to know how to market something, etc. etc. etc.  You know what you are good at and not so good at.  Me?  I like to write.  But, as you may be able to tell, I have not had a whole lot of training in this aspect in my life.  That doesn't stop me...I just love to do I do it.  I like to sing too...and my kids laugh at me every time I do because they hear how out of tune I am.  The point is, if you like to do something then JUST DO IT.  Don't let anyone tell you that it needs to be done like this or like that or it's not acceptable.  Rather, do it your way and fulfill that burning desire within you that wants to JUST DO IT.  I understand your hesitation...but most of the time no one cares anyway and no one is really watching you...they are too busy worrying about what they are doing to care about your thoughts and reasons why you are not doing what you want to do.  So, instead of worrying about what everyone is thinking just go out and do whatever it is your spirit has been wanting you to do!  I am... Why aren't you?
And one more idea on this topic...most of the time we don't do what we really want to do is because we think of all the reasons why we should be doing something else that is more important first.  Why?  Ego...and we also still have those silly old tapes playing in our heads from when we were kids and everyone always telling us how to do something the 'RIGHT' way.  It's like we have this little guy on our shoulder pointing the finger at us going, "You can't do that right now."   I'll tell you what...lets both go and tell that guy to "Shut up and shov' it!"  "I'm living my life, not yours, little man!"  And when we do this together we both help each other break these patterns that no longer serve us and shine a lot BRIGHTER.  What do you think?  Go ahead and give it a try, what do you have to lose anyway?  JUST DO IT!

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