Monday, June 1, 2015

The tortoise & the hare...running to the beat of my own drum.

On 5/31/15, I ran in the 13.1 mile half marathon for the North Shore.  The day began as an ordinary race day filled with anxious anticipation.  I did what I often do on early morning race days.  I sipped my favorite morning tea; yerba mate, quickly got dressed with my running gear and head out the door at 5:30 am.  Intuitively, I brought my laptop with me.  Despite how early it was, I felt a desire to write burning within me and that something was ready to be born onto pages. 

What I wrote before the run…

I sit here in my car right now.   Ready, listening to some tunes to help me get ready for my run that I am about to do in an hour.  Why am I writing at this time?  Well, I actually have nothing else to do right now except wait for start time.  Really… there is nothing for me to do…and I also made myself a promise that I would use the energy of this run to finally dispel any left over energy within my body that has been from my past.  It has been 2 weeks since my Dad was here visiting with my family.  As you know, I have not seen him in 27 years.  I write about his trip to our home extensively in my book.  In brief, it was a blessing.  It also brought up some amazing things about myself that I had no idea I had inherited from my Dad and also some very real insecurities were revealed to me that I had been hanging onto since I was a little girl.  When I was writing this small blog just now I began writing that it had been “2 weeks since my dad left”…I realized that I am still holding onto a piece of myself that believes that my Dad left me again and will continue to not show up in my life.  So, instantaneously I decided to delete that portion of my writing and start with “It has been two weeks since my Dad visited our family”.  Do you see how this works?  Words are amazing.  They directly lead to our thoughts and the patterns we carry and hence create over and over in our lives.  Today, on my 13.1 mile run I plan to tune into many of the things that no longer serve my purpose and continue to release the layers that no longer serve my life.  I have many… don’t we all?  Over the years, I used running to ‘run away’ from my fears.  To prove something to myself… whatever it was that I needed to prove…’that I was worthy, that I could do something, that I was good enough’…what ever it was, I ran away.  The last couple of years (since a house fire and many other significant events), I have used running as the experience that it is for me…a repetitive motion of breathing and movement that stimulates every energy center in your body, brings up ‘crap’ that we all need to release, and allows us to release and no longer hold it on anymore.  Every time I have an ache in my body while I run, I ask myself why and where this is coming from, I receive the insight and then I give it up to the universe.  I thank my body for telling me what I do not need anymore and then I give it away.  I do not need to live that way anymore.  I do not need to live with aches and pains that are either emotional or physical.  Our bodies speak to us and tell us what is wrong all the time.  I believe it is our job to tune into these clues and allow them to help us heal ourselves.  This is an opportunity for me to cleanse myself over and over again.  13.1 miles of shear healing and bliss.  Today,  I have some patterns of the past, I have some issues that I am currently dealing with at home (don’t we all?), and I just simply want to enjoy the ride.  I am hydrated, peaceful and in the knowing that all is well.  I may not be fast, but I am steady and strong.  After all, wasn’t it the tortoise who won the race in the end?  Here I am, with many ‘hares’ ready to run… welcoming myself home to the tortoise that I am.


What I wrote after the race…

So what I ended up doing during this race was far more than just running.  It was a commitment within me to exchange energy with the universe.  I decided that I would literally breathe out and run out every piece of me that no longer lined up with who I was supposed to be.  I am living in the light, fearlessly…most of the time but then I trip and fall.  I am trusting and open to the abundance that is coming in but then ooops…I go into a tail spin loose my balance and I’m on the floor again.  Like all fearless warriors, I still get tripped up, fall on my knees, and have false starts.  Periodically, I come to this point in my journey.  Where I just feel stuck.  I have the wind knocked out of my sails.  It just feels like uck and yuck, for lack of better words.   This time, on this very run I decided that I had the power to change it all.  I would finally rise from all the things that ever make me feel stuck and I would replace them with new thoughts, new ideas, new visions, and new memories.  After all, we have the power to perceive life in any way we desire, despite our sub conscious programming, beliefs that we took on from society or our individual tribes, and natural tendency to cling to the familiar and safe.  I decided that anything and everything that would arise for me during this run would need to be released.  We get rid of the old to make room for the new.  In essence, I dare to dream.  I dare to step off of the old high rise building that I have been stuck on for years, and I dare to allow the wings that have been hiding underneath my scapula to spread and take me to flight.  I dare to fly! And you know what?  That is what I did. 

Every step along my path was a step of release and healing.  I saw people who looked like people that I knew that I needed to make amends with.  At around mile 6 when I really began to get into the challenge of the run I literally ran into one of my family members, someone who could be this person’s twin.  Impossible as it was for them to be at this race I looked straight into the eyes of this person as she handed me a cup of water to drink at one of the water stations.  As we were face to face I could feel the universe signaling in me that it was time to ask for forgiveness from this person and it was time to accept who they are into my heart.  I felt my eyes well up with tears and my throat begin to clench tight.  I knew that this was just the energy trying to move out of my body.  I just allowed it to come.  I felt the tightness become tighter and clasp my airways.  I allowed the tightness to continue to speak to me and tell me what I needed to hear.  I was to be in full acceptance of this person for who they are and what they have always been and I needed to forgive them and myself forever wanting anything different.  I needed to ask for forgiveness from them now, energetically of course.  So, that is exactly what I did.  At this point I was far past the water station and this person was at least 3 tenths of a mile away.  This person was just a representation and a signal to me of what I needed to do.  I prayed to myself while I ran.  With every thought and every prayer my throat began to loose its grip and the tightness subsided.  I could see better now and I felt my energy return to normal again.  At this point of clearing I began to run downhill a steep downhill grade of at least 10 percent.  I saw the beach and the waves coming to the shore through an opening at the bottom of the hill.  It reminded me of one of my metaphors I often think of when I see waves on the shoreline.  It is a reminder of life and how there will always be waves coming at us.  They will always be there.  Sometimes they will be light and sometimes they will come crashing down.  We can either stand in the middle of them trying to keep our balance, we can fight against them and be knocked over time and time again, or we can learn to ride them and see them for what they are, an opportunity to master our joy of the experience rather than a gripping fear of them coming crashing upon you.  When I finally came to the bottom of the hill near the waves of the shoreline the path suddenly made a sharp right turn and we were running straight back up what we had just ran down.  It was a hill so steep that bikers would have to walk up in order to make it to the top.  I was determined.  I decided that if I was going to walk there would have to be sufficient reason why I could not physically handle the extra demands on my body.  My body would have to be very clear why I could not do this.  What I found was that I was able to do this.  I had the most energy I had ever had in a very long time.  I was able to get up that hill without any difficulties more than extra hard breathing or a burning strain in my calf and thighs from the steep slope.  I continued to thank the universe for the extra energy from all that I had just let go and for the new lightness that I felt that seemed to carry me up and over the tough times.  Come to think of it, my wings must have spread in that moment.  They must have finally helped me to fly.  As I continued along the journey, I thought of the many times in my life where I wished I had acted slightly different or I wished that things had turned out otherwise.  I wondered to myself, what if I just replaced these thoughts of unfulfilled dreams with knew thoughts filled with fulfillment?  What if I just decided to fill in the blanks with new thoughts that accepted what happened but gave me satisfaction at the same time?  What if I just wrote a new story in my head?  So that is what I did.  I dreamt up another story instead of repeating the old tapes that were there.  I gave myself reasons to love what happened instead.  I decided that this would be a fun way to fulfill the unfulfilled desires and give me the choice to see life from a different perspective all at the same time.  It continued to work… I felt myself having fun, I felt joy come in while I ran, and I began smiling at every volunteer or course director I passed along the way.  I began to see the joy in people, places and things.  I began to see.  I did this for a long time and up until I came to mile 9.  Mile nine is when I was intuitively told to stop trying to get rid of that which no longer serves me and just open up and receive what has always been mine to begin with.  

Wow.  I felt it and I saw it as clear as a neon road sign in a pitch black night sky.  At that point, I knew exactly what to do next.  The fight that I had been creating all this time was over.  There was nothing left to do or become.  It was time to just open up and receive.  There was nothing else to bring in.  There was nothing else to take out of me.  All there was, was just to be me.  At that point, when I came to this realization.  When I came to the knowing that it was time to merge with all there was and all there is and all there ever will be it all came together for me.  It was at this point that I turned to my left and there he was (almost sounds like a cliché, LOL)…a 6 foot 5 inch runner completely in the zone of his own being.  He was tight, muscular and just running steady and strong.  There was nothing stopping this man and he was completely within his own being.  He was still aware of his surroundings but unaffected by anything around him.  He kept his focus forward and his body in the same exact stride.  He was exactly who he was and nothing would sway him from his path.  He knew where he began and where he ended.  He was that exact.  This is when I knew that it was time to just receive.  It was time to run to the beat of my own drummer.   And that is what I did.  From mile 9 onward I tuned in and allowed.  My pace changed and my entire ego driven run turned into a reception. I received, I allowed, I merged, and the light came through.  My entire run was unaffected by anything else around me.

I still came upon images and reminders of the past and what could have been but they were quickly replaced with new stories.  For instance, at mile 10, I saw my ‘Dad’ standing on a corner with two young girls around the age of 7 or 8 years.  I thought that could have been my Dad being a grandpa when my kids were younger.  I longed for having that kind of Dad.  I longed for the type that would be there for his grandchildren.  Then I allowed those feelings to go through me, I didn’t block them and allow them to fester.  They just passed through.  Then the new memories came in.  I thought of all the ways my Dad could be there and would be there if he was there.  I replaced the memories of longing for what could have been with what was.  I replaced a longing with what is.  I can believe my Dad has been there all along and that my children have received everything they have always needed from grandfather.  It is simple that simple.  There is no longing; there is just an acceptance, and a knowing that anything is possible.  The ideas passed through me and cleaned and cleared.  I was just a channel.  There was no need to hold onto anything that entered my thoughts.  It all just passed through.  At mile 11, I saw my husband cheering me on, and felt a new affection for him come over me.  One that is unlike anything of the past.  This was a love that had no attachments to anything.  It was what it was, it is what it is, just a love for the now.  Mile 12 and mile 13 were more of the same.  I finished the half marathon stronger than ever before and ended up taking 20 minutes off of my previous time of 4 years ago. 

The day would move onto and shift into more revelations and understandings.  I would feel tightness in my back or a headache coming on.  Usually out of the belief that I needed to stretch or be rehydrated.  All true, but I also tuned into the ideas that I can be extremely inflexible in many ways at times and that being too mental or hard headed is a pattern that I have and is well defined in my family.  After acceptance of this my back began to release and my headache became lighter and lighter and eventually drifted away.  Before I knew it, the rest of my day was just flowing with ease.  I was able to grab some coffee with my husband, come home and do some work around the house, take a nap, and lead a class that same evening.  The run continued to teach me through out the day and I continued to feel its bliss.  I could finally run to the beat of my own drummer.  And that beat carried me lighter and faster than ever before.  The beat of my drummer may be a ‘hare’ after all.   

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