I sit here in my car right now. Ready, listening to some tunes to help me
get ready for my run that I am about to do in an hour. Why am I writing at this time? Well, I actually have nothing else to do
right now except wait for start time.
Really… there is nothing for me to do…and I also made myself a promise
that I would use the energy of this run to finally dispel any left over energy
within my body that has been from my past.
It has been 2 weeks since my Dad was here visiting with my family. As you know, I have not seen him in 27
years. I write about his trip to our
home extensively in my book. In brief,
it was a blessing. It also brought up
some amazing things about myself that I had no idea I had inherited from my Dad
and also some very real insecurities were revealed to me that I had been
hanging onto since I was a little girl. When
I was writing this small blog just now I began writing that it had been “2
weeks since my dad left”…I realized that I am still holding onto a piece of
myself that believes that my Dad left me again and will continue to not show up
in my life. So, instantaneously I decided
to delete that portion of my writing and start with “It has been two weeks
since my Dad visited our family”. Do you
see how this works? Words are
amazing. They directly lead to our
thoughts and the patterns we carry and hence create over and over in our lives. Today, on my 13.1 mile run I plan to tune
into many of the things that no longer serve my purpose and continue to release
the layers that no longer serve my life.
I have many… don’t we all? Over the
years, I used running to ‘run away’ from my fears. To prove something to myself… whatever it was
that I needed to prove…’that I was worthy, that I could do something, that I
was good enough’…what ever it was, I ran away.
The last couple of years (since a house fire and many other significant
events), I have used running as the experience that it is for me…a repetitive
motion of breathing and movement that stimulates every energy center in your
body, brings up ‘crap’ that we all need to release, and allows us to release
and no longer hold it on anymore. Every
time I have an ache in my body while I run, I ask myself why and where this is
coming from, I receive the insight and then I give it up to the universe. I thank my body for telling me what I do not
need anymore and then I give it away. I
do not need to live that way anymore. I
do not need to live with aches and pains that are either emotional or physical.
Our bodies speak to us and tell us what
is wrong all the time. I believe it is
our job to tune into these clues and allow them to help us heal ourselves. This is an opportunity for me to cleanse
myself over and over again. 13.1 miles
of shear healing and bliss. Today, I have some patterns of the past, I have some
issues that I am currently dealing with at home (don’t we all?), and I just
simply want to enjoy the ride. I am
hydrated, peaceful and in the knowing that all is well. I may not be fast, but I am steady and
strong. After all, wasn’t it the
tortoise who won the race in the end?
Here I am, with many ‘hares’ ready to run… welcoming myself home to the
tortoise that I am.
Oh…and of course there is always the famous quote…”Run
Forest Run!” Yep, this is me today.
Namasté friends.
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