Tuesday, June 23, 2015

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Thursday, June 11, 2015

My Lower Back Really Hurt!!! Energy, Emotions, & Exercise…what was really behind all of this…what truly had my back?

Two days ago I hurt my back during one of my weekly runs.  It really hurt!  It hurt so much that I had to take a day of rest and slow down.  This was a good thing.  The funny thing is that I had been struggling and straining and pushing myself to do more because of what I was taking in from the outside.  What does this mean?  I had been taking on other people’s perceptions of me and had been trying to live up to all of that and more.  I really felt the struggle and even had more of a difficult time getting up and following through with my workouts.  Yes, it could be because I am beginning to train harder for the upcoming marathon in the fall.  This would be the old way of thinking our way through problems.  We tend to do this you know.  We think it is because of something that we did; maybe I pulled weeds and was bent over for too long or maybe I moved in a certain way and it strained my back or maybe I just did not stretch enough.  No, I am here to tell you that in order to get to the roots of issues and physical ailments we have we need to begin to think of the emotions behind what is truly going on.  Every pain has a story and every pain has an emotion behind it.  Every pain has a reason… and it ain’t because we are getting too old, or my knees are worn out, or because of the any number of reasons there are out there to believe it is because of something else.  It is time for us all to begin to own our energy.  Own what is going on within you and all around you.  Ask yourself, “How did I create this story and why did I create this? What is serving me out of this?  Why am I doing this?”  There is always a reason, there is always something that we learned or was passed down from generation to generation that we sub consciously believe that causes a pain or calls our attention to something that doesn’t feel so good within ourselves.  We have the power to create all of anything and everything.  Once we get to the roots of what is causing the limitations that had such a hold on us in the first place…once we understand through awareness what we keep doing to ourselves over and over again…then we can set ourselves free.  All we have to do is ask for help, use our awareness to get to the root, with gratitude release and let go and humbly say thank you.  This is key.  If all of us did this, if all of us just owned up to our perceptions and realized that which doesn’t feel good is just a calling to know who you really are…which is perfect in every way… except we don’t completely believe this…there would be no issues.  Then, once we realize all of this there would be no reasons to ever resist or confront or argue or gander with another being.  All of life would be diffused and there would only be the piece de resistance that I speak of over and over again.  But then our ego minds may get board and question over and over again and create more instances to question and then our hearts would take over again and again and show our minds that this really was never our truth in the first place.  This is really, truly how I believe life has been created.  I believe we all have opportunities to live our truth every day.  Through awareness we either choose to do this or we choose not to.  It is completely up to us.  We can do the same things over and over again and expect things to be different or we can be the difference. 

Now…back to why my back hurt…

What really happened went like this for me… I was straining in my workouts because my life felt strained.  I felt this enormous weight that I had to produce, I had to succeed in my life and I was rushing to get there.  What I didn’t realize is that I had a hidden belief that I would not be able to succeed.   I honestly believed that I have to struggle to make it in this world.  I honestly believed that we don’t succeed.  I believed that I had incredible wisdom to share but no one would be there to hear me.  Or if they did it would be a strain for me to reach them.  My lower back felt like a slow aching pain that would not go away.  Every time I would extend my back, go into extension, it would ache more.  Aha!  I thought, I am afraid to extend myself into the world…to reach more and more people because they will not hear me and they will reject me.  I am afraid to extend myself and go forward and be seen and heard.  I am afraid to extend and be more of me, who really isn’t me at all…it is an extension of me that is all connected to the unlimited supply of Source in the first place.  I was afraid to go fully where I have not gone before.  I was afraid to release the dull achy strain that has been the base of my subconscious thoughts my entire life and probably even more times before this lifetime.  This was a huge pattern I had literally run into.  So what did I do?  I worked with this for a day.  I slowed down and I worked with my thoughts and asked for help.  I asked for forgiveness around all of this.  I asked for help in any and every which way over and over again. I did what I do in sessions with clients.  I brought awareness to the situation, asked for forgiveness, and released it to the universe.  With gratitude, I thanked my higher self for bringing this to my awareness and showing me what was truly holding me back all along, myself, and I let it go.  I worked with this for a day and I asked for more help when I went to bed that night.  When I awoke the next morning, my back still ached a bit… so what did I do… I put one foot in front of the other and ran it out.  I went for a 5-mile run and decided that as the issues came up I would just allow them to go.  And that is what they did.  My back worked itself out because I completely believe that something more powerful than me has got my back all along.  Now I can see that I am fully supported at all times and the world supports me.  There are no more subconscious beliefs that keep creeping up behind me…I can give it up and allow the opportunities to continue to come to me instead of straining to make things happen and make myself go forward.  I accept and I receive. 

Are you getting the feel for how it works?  There are many layers to this and many ways to look at this and many reasons why… but it all starts with what is going on from within…what we feel.  The Energy never dies, it is only transformed.  The Emotions behind the Energy that was keeping me from Exercising my highest self was caught up in hidden fears that I was still holding onto.  Once I put my attention on it and allowed it to speak it could be released and transformed into new Energy that directed my Emotions to a place of love and trust that brought in new patterns and experiences that I could now Exercise. 

Go forth my friends, extend yourselves, and set your expectations high!  The universe has our backs…

It is that simple, it is simply that simple.
Namaste my friends.

All my love and more,


Monday, June 8, 2015

The Three Keys To Owning Your Personal Power

Dear Friends,

I wanted to invite you to an upcoming series that I will be hosting out of my home in Libertyville.  This is something I am very passionate about; the energy behind owning your power.  Please see the attached flyer.  I am offering this course to anyone who would like to learn about who they are as an energetic being and how our energy affects our lives on a day to day basis.  We are so powerful that many of us are creating on an unconscious level.  I want to bring consciousness to everything you do and help you realize that once you see how easy it can be your entire world will transform.  Of course, there are influences from our ancestors and our heritage that is important to clear in the process because these things have a sub conscious affect on us all.  I want to help you clear these things so that your purpose can just ‘drop in’ to your life.   It can be that easy in a group setting which is why I have created the following class.  Please let me know that you will come…I am excited about continuing to evolve forward!

There is a gift to all that sign up:  A Free Healing Circle on the last Sunday of the Month.  This is to clear and prepare you for the class.  

Please pass this along.  This class is for all those interested in using personal power to make changes within thus transforming your world. 

The Three Keys to Owning Your Personal Power

Energy, Emotions, & Exercise

The First Key = Energy
Energy Awareness, Energetic Thought, Energy of Words, My Energy, & Energy as Power

The Second Key = Emotions
Emotional Awareness, Emotional Management, Emotional Maintenance, Emotional Growth, & Emotional Power

The Third Key = Exercise
Exercise Regimen, Exercise Release, Exercise Growth, & Exercise Responsibility

“With Great Power comes Great Responsibility”        

This 3 part series, will offer unique opportunities for personal growth.   You will learn about who you are as Energy and Emotions and how to Exercise these concepts and enhance your personal power.  Personally, I have spent years trying to figure out the easiest and simplest ways to put energetic concepts to use that manages and maintains our emotions and ultimately serves our personal power in all situations.  From work, to school, to home, and around town, we could all use these practical ideas to help us be successful in life.  Become a master at managing your self and watch as your world turns around for the better

Know how powerful you are!
6/30, 7/14, 7/28
6:30-8:30pm               Cost $90

This Course is geared towards an in depth study of each key and self-mastery.  Deep energetic clearings will be held on each date to facilitate personal growth.  Signing up for the series grants you a free healing circle on the last Sunday of the month, 6/28 at 6-8pm.  This way you are prepared to begin the course on 6/30.
Jennifer practices the art of Restorative Energy.  She combines years of experience in multiple energy modalities to tailor to the needs of her individual clients.  The goal is always to remove perceived blocks to allow for your authentic self to shine through.  More information can be found on Facebook at JLIntuit & her blog at www.JenniferLaurenIntuit.blogspot.com  her website will soon be at www.JenniferLaurenIntuit.com.  She can be reached at JenniferLaurenIntuit@gmail.com & by phone 224-500-7797
She books sessions by appointment. 

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Aiden's Healing; Showing Us The Way Home

Today is the first day in years that my middle son, Aiden, picked up an “Oreo” like cookie and actually ate it out of shear pleasure!   It is the first time in years that he actually touched a dessert type of food.  On his own volition, Aiden decided to take a handful of cookies and began eating.  This is nothing short of a miracle! 

It wasn’t too long ago that I sat in our pediatrician’s office bewildered at what our doctor was telling me about Aiden’s health.  He was severely underweight, heart rate abnormally low, and very pale skin.  Not to mention he had become withdrawn and socially isolated, lethargic, and incredibly anxious.  It seemed like overnight I had lost my son.  Aiden had always been a quite and shy kid.   Shyness was normal behavior for him.  Anxiety, withdrawn, lethargy, and isolation was not.  He had become so withdrawn that he did not have a desire to speak with anyone.  He would go through his days doing what was required from him for school and sports and that was it.  There was no extra energy for casual conversation, creativity, or just having fun with friends.  I was so busy picking up the pieces of our life from a recent house fire that I never even saw the red flags.  All of a sudden, I was being faced with a son that was no longer the boy I knew anymore.  He had disappeared. 

Flash forward to today and after a road to recovery that has taken over 18 months Aiden has made a complete turn around.  How did this happen? How did he go from anorexic tendencies, anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive behaviors to a child that could once again be happy, playful, social, and at peace? How could he do this in such a short amount of time?  If you speak with the professionals, illnesses such as these require years to overcome and even then patients slip back easily into old behaviors.  Usually, it is something that has to be managed for the rest of a person’s life.  What made the difference here?  What made this scenario different and atypical from the rest?    Truly, I believe that Hillary Clinton said it best when she remarked that ‘It takes a village’.   It does take a village…I believe it begins with the family realizing that Aiden’s illness was not just about Aiden.  Aiden’s illness was about our entire family.  How did he get to where he was, how did we contribute to this, and what lessons did we all need to learn from this?  We had to do some individual and collective soul searching that would eventually lead us on the yellow brick road back to home…where it was all along…the answers that were in our hearts.  The doctors and therapists and outside world certainly did help to guide and direct us but we could not be dependent on them.  We had to follow our own internal guidance that would lead us to the answers and information we needed over the course of the year that would eventually lead us back to where we started, at home.  Each of us in our family had to come home to our hearts.  Each of us in our family had to come home to full acceptance of ourselves and through the acceptance of ourselves and who and what we were we could accept what was happening to our son.  Through acceptance the answers just naturally showed up.  When he was obsessively brushing his teeth over and over again or could not get out of the shower because he had to wash and rewash his body…it did not help to react out of desperation and anxiously wonder why this was happening or what was wrong with him?!  We had to peacefully accept what was happening, what was being triggered within ourselves through what was happening to him, face that, and then do the healing work to release what was inside of us first so that we could then help our child.  Yes, we needed help and guidance from a therapist and doctor along the way.  But were we dependent on their advice?  Did we only listen to their professional wisdom because we did not trust ourselves?  No, of course not.  I knew all too well that our children are mirrors for what is going on within ourselves.  What they trigger in us is a direct reflection of something we need to look at within us.  I had alot of anxiety that I needed to heal and release if I expected my son to do this.  I had alot of obsessive tendencies I needed to look at in order to help him see his.  I had alot of issues with food and anorexic patterns that I personally would cover up myself that needed to be released in order to finally help him.  Why did this happen?  Why did we go down this path the past 18 months?  Because we all needed to walk closer and towards the light of whom we essentially are.  We all had layers that we needed to peal off in order to get to our true selves.  We all had our own issues to look at within ourselves that would ultimately connect us to and help our son.   Without this journey we would have still been living within the purgatory that we created in the first place.  Yes, it takes a village, but it also takes parenting through awareness.  Be aware of your demons that you are hiding yourself in your own closet.  Do not be afraid to open them and see what they have to say.  Their darkness, their wisdom will only lead you to the light.  Illness is a call to action.  Illness is a wake up call to move into living through awareness.  I thank my son for taking on these patterns and for helping us reach a higher way of being and living.  I can truly say that we were not truly living until this transformation happened.  Sometimes the road is paved with darkness and fear and sometimes the road is paved with gold.  The destination is the same place.  Leading you back to your heart and where we have always belonged in the first place.  All that Dorothy ever wanted to do was go home in the first place; what she didn’t realize is that she had the answers within her all along.  Thank you Aiden, for showing us the way back home.