Friday, April 27, 2012


When we believe in ourselves, our dreams, our insight, our love, our light, & our intuitive spirits our entire world changes from that of anxiety and fear to that of love, peace, and harmony.  The only way is the light.  That is all there is.  Only light.  We get caught up in the different stages of light and we learn to remember who we truly are through the entire process; beings of infinite light. 

I am Jennifer Lauren and I welcome you to my newest and latest blog site.  My hope is that this place that you have come to on the Internet will grow into an infinite place of light for all those who enter here.  This is a place where I hope for it to become full of inspirational writings and lessons all leading you back to your true essence; that of light.  We are all light beings, we are all love...we are only in different stages of remembering who we truly are and where we came from. 

It is my intent to make this stop on the expansive Internet a place of peaceful power.  Where many can come to find solace in the writings that will speak true to their hearts.  Through my journey in the light I will share with you what brought me to who I am today and who I was already but never remembered until recently.  I was always on the path just like you, I only was in the process of uncovering all the layers that had hidden my light for so long.  That really is all it is; an uncovering of the layers that have been laid down over time that have kept us from seeing and feeling our true essence.   I will share with you the process that I went through and the process that I still uncover today.  I am at a point in my journey where it is time to lead an authentic life in all areas of my life.  Where my spiritual essence has merged with the true being of who I am.  I have come to the 'knowing' that this is truly who and what we all are.  No matter what.  I mean it when I say no matter what.  All beings are on this path to light.  Many of the sages knew this, taught this, and are still teaching it today.  You will understand and know what I speak of when I tell you my story.  My story will be like all the other stories.  I am no different than you.  It is our perceptions of what we see that helps us further us on our path of light.  Hopefully, your evolving perceptions will continue to help you on your path. 

This is also a place where I will keep track of all the upcoming workshops and soul sessions that I will be doing throughout the Chicago and Detroit areas.  I will list them out accordingly below.  I am available for sessions and I work in person or over the phone or Skype.  Distance does not matter.  Healing happens just by pure thought and the conscious agreement of two souls in prayer together.  If this calls to you, I keep my prices affordable so that all can participate on the journey to light. 

I thank you.  For all of my students are my teachers as well.  I am learning and growing just as you are.
Namaste and in pure light.

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