Thursday, May 10, 2012


It has been exactly 11 days since all three of my children were identified as having LICE by the school nurse.  Ahhhh!!!!  A mother’s nightmare!  Relentlessly, I have been working to rid my family and home of these invaders. Their mere presence has brought up so many contemplative thoughts.  How could this have happened?  Where did they come from?  What do I do now?  Ugh!  The school nurse patiently instructed me on how to handle the situation, starting with, “Don’t Panic.”  Yeay, right.  Don’t panic? Humph!  Ba hum bug!  So, I did what every parent does when this happens…PANIC!  I furiously cleaned and cleaned and scrubbed and scrubbed.  I picked at my children’s hair for hours upon hours.  By no means was I the perfect Snow White happily singing and whistling while I worked.  I was the frantic and frazzled Franny who just wished it would all go away.  Now that I can look back on the situation I have some wisdom to share with you….
In the midst of all the perceived chaos that was happening around me I did have plenty of insight as I ran from one cleaning accomplishment to the next.   Why did this happen? There are many reasons why this happened and some of which I will never know, but it happened.  It is how I choose to react to the situation and what I can learn from the process that really matters.  Where did they come from?  These little critters had been around for probably a month and we had no idea.  Yes, we had some signs…the incessant itching of the head…but of course we passed it off as dry skin, not washing all the shampoo out of their hair, or the bothersome long hair that my middle son had been growing through the entire school year because he refused to get his hair cut.  It seemed easier at the time to blame the actions of my kids instead of getting to the root of the problem.  Ironically, so many things had been happening within myself internally (i.e. healing from childhood wounds, relationship anxieties, self evaluation of past actions that I regretted) that I glossed over and decided I didn’t have time to figure out the itching problem.  And then…I had no choice…I had to.  I had to face the root of the problem.  The parallel was unmistakable.  I was being forced to address the root problem with my children at the same time I was going through deep issues within myself. 
I received clear confirmation of this over the week as I was seeing and hearing Hawks around me very often.  During my daily runs, pictures on TV or in magazines, and finally an unmistakable License Plate from a car pulled right in front of me as I was driving and in the midst of releasing deep burdens on my heart, it read…”HWK EYZ”.  I had done readings for people before with animals such as these but now I had to do a reading for myself.  So I made a mental note and later looked up the symbolism for the Hawk.  “The Hawk is called a messenger, protector and visionary.  Keen vision is one of its greatest gifts.  Hawks see things others often miss…If a Hawk soared into your life, you require higher perspective.  You need to see the details of what is going on and look at the bigger picture.  Take a look at your situation from above.”  Wow!  What a gift.  I immediately thanked Spirit.  I began looking at what I perceived around me from another perspective.  Instead of the doom and gloom outlook that had secretly overwhelmed me I now began to see this situation as a gift.  The Lice was just a metaphor for what I had not been looking at all along.  I had been ignoring all the gifts in my life and avoided being thankful and grateful for everything I already had.  I was focusing on my past traumas as a child and how miserable I was because of this.  I was not paying attention to the gifts at hand & the divine knowledge that was being presented to me.  As soon as I shifted my consciousness my outlook shifted and the whole situation cleared up.  Help magically appeared with the cleaning and the nit picking of the nits out of my children’s hair.  I felt blessed to have this problem because not only was I getting rid of these pesky critters but I was cleaning and clearing out what didn’t work within me anymore.  As I shed each critter off my children’s hair I was picking another layer off of my past that I did not need to carry with me anymore.  As I cleaned and scrubbed sheets and floors I was releasing and clearing old outdated energy patterns within my soul that no longer served my highest good.  My kids, my house and my soul received a spring cleaning.  The nuisance became a gift that I never would have seen if I didn’t use my HWK EYZ. 
Finally, a day ago I received a confirming dream.  I saw myself picking old dried up flowers and leaves out of my hair.  I was content in my dream to be picking these out and throwing them away.  They were dried up and I no longer needed them.  They were dead.   
I remembered my dream later in the day, as I usually do, when my daughter handed me a dried up flower from outside.  Once I saw the dead flower about the size and shape of the ones in my dream I immediately remembered the dream.  I received confirming emails that my kids were lice and nit free and at the same time I knew I was finally free of my past.  Then, I felt ready to roll into and become the new energy of the present.  Another layer I had shed made room for a brighter me to shine!  I share with you in hopes that my lessons will help you to embrace your lessons as we learn, grow, and evolve in the school called Earth.